Joe's Platform

Local Problems

Ash Trees

Dead and diseased ash trees have suddenly appeared in our district, and residents are finding the cost of removal burdensome. I want the state government to offer grants to cities and small towns within our district to assist with tree removal.


Landlords should not be allowed to charge application fees for rental properties, as this is an unfair burden on the economically disadvantaged.

Social Policy


The choice to proceed with a pregnancy should be a private matter solely between the pregnant person and healthcare provider.

Economic Growth Policy

Invest in Education

The strength of an economy is directly tied to the capabilities of its constituents. To enhance 23B's appeal and competitiveness as a destination for business relocation, we need state aid to increase the variety of educational options and vocational skills available to our students.  

Invest in Infrastructure

Investing in infrastructure is paramount for many reasons. It bolsters economic development by attracting businesses, mitigating income disparity, and delivering vital community services.

Tax Policy

Fiscal Responsibility

Tax revenue belongs to my constituents and it should be utilized efficiently by minimizing fraud, waste, and abuse.

Environmental and Energy Policy

Water and Air Quality

Minnesota's most valuable asset, its natural beauty, bolsters a substantial tourism industry. Maintaining a pristine environment is crucial for the state's economy and the well-being of future generations.

Phasing Out Coal

I support alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar,  that produce fewer carbon emissions than coal. Generating capacity must be maintained to guarantee system reliability. 

Regulatory Reform

Regulatory Reform

Minnesota's rules and regulations must be systematically reviewed to eliminate unnecessary, outdated, and duplicative requirements. I propose that a permanent commission be established with the power to eliminate unnecessary rules and regulations.  


Election Subversion

My father and uncles fought to protect our country from tyrants. I don't want a dictator running our country.

Our elections are the most secure in the world. Some say the people who attacked the Capital on January 6th to violently overthrow the 2020 election are patriots. They are not. Those convicted and sentenced are not patriots, they are criminals. 

Health Care

Future Healthcare

Providing affordable healthcare to everyone is a very complex issue. One thing is clear, the current system is unsustainable.